Enhance Your Website Conversion Rate with These Proven Strategies

Your Customers Are Researching You

When I look at a website the first thing I’m looking for is how well it converts visitors into buyers.  In today’s world, everyone researches before purchase whether it’s a new TV, landscaper, or their next painter.    Even when a friend suggests a company to us, we check out their website before buying.  Add in the fact that any skilled professional working on a house is a high-dollar item to invest in, there is even more reason for the homeowner to do their due diligence and research their potential contracting company.

3 Key Pieces for Conversion

  • Your phone number needs to be in the upper, right corner of the site
  • Pictures of your entire team with truck fleet
  • Displaying all your reviews

Your Phone Number: The Most Important Call-to-Action

First, your phone number needs to be in the upper right corner of the website, and it must be able to click-to-dial. We read a website from left to right just like a book so our eyes land in that upper right corner making it primetime digital real estate. There’s plenty of room for “Request an Estimate” “Email Us” buttons, and social media links throughout the site. You still need them but keep that corner free from clutter. Since almost half of the internet research is done on mobile devices in the USA, it just makes sense to make it easy for them to call you with the click-to-dial feature.

Secret Link Marketing's painting crew

Pictures of Team: Raw and Real

Every day I look at contractor and other skilled professional websites and do you know what almost all have on their home page when you first open their site? A beautiful house. Yes, it’s important to showcase your work but people want to buy from real people.  They want to see who’s behind the tools, answering the phone and making the business turn.  Have a picture of your entire team standing in front of your trucks. Let them see your brand and those pearly whites.  This brings an emotional connection to your business.  It’ll also set your website apart from every other contractor in town!

Reviews: Up-to-date, Location, Source and Many of Them

Lastly, your reviews. In today’s environment actually seeing the reviews based on the source has a greater impact. So having the source (such as Google, BBB, or Facebook) of the review, what the customer said, their name, and location. For the best results, your reviews should be updated in real-time. Nobody cares about the review from 3 years ago. They want to know about the house you just wrapped up yesterday. Having this fresh content will also do wonders for your SEO.

Time to Walk the Jobsite

You’ve spent a lot of time building your reputation and a fair amount of money has gone into your marketing. You’re driving traffic to your website via word of mouth, lawn signs, social media, Google Business Profile, stickers on your fleet, and maybe paid ads. The potential customers are on your website to decide if they will do business with you or not. Make sure they convert from a looker into a lead by calling you! Do these 3 things and you will see a higher return on your investment.

If you want help with this, we’ve got your back.  Give us a call today to schedule a consultation.  We can talk about what you’ve done that worked and didn’t, where you want to go, and schudule a time for us to present our recommendations.  

Talk soon.  Be well!

Paul Michel